David Hutchinson - Op Granby

Operation Granby, commonly abbreviated to Op Granby, was the code name given to the British military operations during the 1991.  Virtually all operational crews at RAF Lyneham were involved and Hutch Hutchinson a Sgt ALM at the time, was no exception.  He was tasked to go ‘in-theatre’ and on the 23 March 1991 with his crew: Stu Vince (Capt); 

They were tasked to take a VIP from Muharraq to Riyadh.  Coincidentally, 30 Sqn was based there in Sep 1964 to Sep 1967 when the Sqn operated the Blackburn Beverley.  Anyway, the VIP was non other than the Commander-in-Chief of British Forces Middle East, Lt General Sir Peter de la Billiere with his ADC Gp Capt Irving.  Sir Peter is a very well respected Army officer who was not only in charge of the British Forces at that time but also has other notable military events to his name: he was the Director of SAS at the time of the Iranian Embassy siege of 1980; and was responsible in the Falklands for planning Op Mikado (a fascinating read).

So, Hutch thought it would be a great idea to get Sir Peter’s autograph for the Sqn history.  Unfortunately, during Op Granby, there were no passenger manifest being used and only a record of the number of passengers.  Hutch decided to create his own manifest and plucked up enough courage to ask Sir Peter to sign it.  He did sign which was a bit of luck because this was Sir Peters. Last week in theatre!

Hutch retired from the RAF as a Sqn Ldr and now lives in Vancouver, Canada.


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